Motto and the Danish Refugee Council Sign Agreement for “Moodle Implementation, Moodle Support, and Digital Literacy Practices” Project

Motto and the Danish Refugee Council Sign Agreement for “Moodle Implementation, Moodle Support, and Digital Literacy Practices” Project

As Motto, we are proud to announce the signing of an agreement with the Danish Refugee Council (DRC) for an advanced Learning Management System (LMS) implementation and the development of practices in digital literacy. This project aims to enhance the capacity of the Danish Refugee Council to deliver high-quality digital training to its employees and beneficiaries, empowering them with the necessary skills and tools.

Motto will be responsible for the full integration of the Moodle platform, providing technical support, customization, and expert training. This partnership will offer thousands of users worldwide access to critical learning resources and increase engagement through scalable and impactful content.